THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsFirst Sunday of Advent3 December 2023 |
The SundaySermon
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Dear Friends,
We begin the Ecclesiastical year with a similar thought present at the end of the Ecclesiastical year the return of Jesus Christ and the end of this world as we know it. This has probably been an object of curiosity for many throughout history.
We often witness or hear of natural disasters where there appears to be turmoil in the earth, water, and air. The regular passing of the seasons often seems to be frustrated, delayed, or expedited, much to the dismay of those who work intimately and depend on the regularity of the weather. We should strive to understand that these things have always been a part of our lives here on earth. There are always local disasters.
St. Augustine warns us not to react hastily because these things and more incredible things than what we may experience happen continuously throughout history. He suggests we consider a spiritual or mystical interpretation rather than a material one. "For the Church is the sun and the moon and the stars, to whom it was said: Fair as the moon, bright as the sun (Cant. 6:9), and she then shall not be seen, as her persecutors rage against her without measure."
If we consider today's Gospel reading from Saint Luke (21:25-33), "There shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, by reason of the confusion of the roaring of the sea and of the waves; men withering away for fear, and expectation of what shall come upon the whole world . . ." We need to set aside the thoughts of material or physical things and lift our minds to the spiritual realm, where we speak of the One True Church The Mystical Body of Jesus Christ.
Saint Ambrose also speaks in this vein. "Many apostatizing from Christianity, the brightness of the faith will be dimmed by this cloud of apostasy, since the heavenly Sun grows dim or shines in splendor according to my faith. And as in its monthly eclipse, the moon, because of the earth coming between it and the sun, disappears from view, so likewise the holy Church, when the vices of the flesh stand in the way of the celestial light, can no longer borrow the splendor of His divine light from the Sun of Christ. And in the persecutions, it was invariably the love of this life that stood in the path of the Divine Sun. Also, the stars, that is, men surrounded by the praise of their fellow Christians, shall fall as the bitterness of persecution mounts up; which must, however, come to pass until the number of the faithful is made up, for so the good are proved and the weak made known."
We intend to sound an alarm but not to induce panic. The world witnesses almost daily the errors and apostacies emanating from people in the Vatican. The would-be stars and moon have grown dim, failing to reflect the light of God. Falsehood and apostasy cannot reflect the light of God but put forth an eerie demonic glow designed to deceive and lead astray "even the elect (if that were possible)" (Saint Matthew 24:24).
We can see and recognize this, but we must remain calm. God is in charge, and nothing can or will happen without Him directly willing it to happen or without Him allowing it to happen as He permits the free will choices of men to work out in this world. If God wills or permits things to transpire, we can rest assured that He has a means to always bring greater good from it. All things work for the good of those who love God (Romans 8:28).
There is genuinely no evil in this world except sin. Sin is the only thing that we must fear and reject. The rest of the difficulties, inconveniences, pains, and sufferings are all blessed crosses sent by God to draw us ever closer to Him in Heaven. These are the keys that aid us in denying ourselves and taking up our daily cross to follow Jesus.
We are often labeled as fanatics. But we are not. Fanaticism is unreasoned enthusiasm. We find fans (fanatics) relatively easily in professional or collegial sports. Our love of the Church, the Truth, and the Faith is reasonable and sound. Our rejection of false churches, false "truth," and false faith is reasonable and proper. We sound the alarm for people to use the reason and intellect God has given them and beware of the false prophets around us. We remain calm and at peace with steadfast faith, trusting in Divine Providence. We are not idle but seek daily to do all that God has called upon us to do for His greater honor and glory and the salvation of souls.
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspire, guide, and protect us!
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